On-Demand Webinar

On-demand: Practical Guide to Air Quality Compliance for Oil and Gas Industry Part 1

Part 1 of the series helps attendees establish a foundational understanding of U.S. air quality regulations and basic permitting concepts, from which other parts of the webinar series will build. In this webinar, we will ask and answer the following fundamental questions:

  • Which air quality pollutants are regulated under state and federal programs?
  • What constitutes a “regulated source” under air quality rules?
  • How do I calculate emissions from various sources?
  • What is the difference between actual emissions and potential-to-emit (PTE)?

Learn about the following US air-quality regulations in this series:


Environmental professionals in the oil and gas industry seeking to gain knowledge on US air-quality regulations. Learn about how software and consulting services can help simplify the new air-quality permitting and compliance requirements.


Christi M. Wilson, Managing Consultant at Trinity Consultants Ms. Wilson is graduate from M.I.T. and a managing consultant with Trinity’s Pittsburgh office where she assists industrial facilities with various projects, including federal NSR/PSD and state air-quality permitting, Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Mandatory Reporting Rule (MRR) compliance, NESHAP/MACT applicability and compliance, FERC Resource Report 9 filings, and Environmental Information Management System (EMIS) selection and implementation. She has more than 20 years of multi-media environmental experience in various states across the U.S., primarily focused on air-quality permitting and compliance in Pennsylvania, West Virginia, and New York. Ms. Wilson has managed more than 7,500 projects involving all segments of the oil and natural gas industry, including upstream wellhead/production operations, midstream gathering and processing, downstream refining, gas transmission, and distribution.

Tamara Greenleaf, Project Manager, Intelex Technologies Ms. Greenleaf works with organizations in the oil and gas industry with implementing and maintaining asset integrations, air emissions, regulatory compliance, and permitting compliance within Intelex ACTS. Such projects include Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Mandatory Reporting Rule (MRR) compliance, Leak Detection and Repair (LDAR) inspections, and Emissions Inventory Reporting. She has more than 7 years of environmental experience with particular focus in air quality compliance and has worked across multiple segments of the oil and natural gas industry

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