Process Hazard Analysis Software

Intelex Process Hazard Analysis (PHA) software identifies and analyzes hazards associated with the processing and handling of highly hazardous materials. It keeps your operation organized, your employees safe and your processes up and running.

  • Powerful dashboards deliver real-time visibility into emissions
  • Preconfigured process hazard checklists and reports
  • Stay up to date with changes in OSHA's PSM guidelines
  • Integrated HAZOP features
Process Hazard Analysis Software

Intelex Process Hazard Analysis Software Saves Lives

Identify, evaluate and control hazards associated with processes that involve highly
hazardous chemicals to keep your workers healthy and safe.

Process Hazard Analysis Software
Comply with OSHA’s PSM Guidelines
Conduct process hazard analysis in accordance with OSHA's Process Safety Management(PSM) guidelines and keep workers safe.

Key Process Hazard Analysis Software Features

Employ an 'all-in-one' solution to identify, manage and mitigate process hazards stemming
from operational systems and processes for handling hazardous substances.

Process Hazard Analysis Software - Customized PHA Management

Customized PHA Management

Build teams, set frequencies, view session logs and see all past risks, recommendations and postcontrol residual risks. Attach full PHA reports for visibility into PHA history.

Process Hazard Analysis Software is Critical to EHS Management

Intelex PHA software works together with other Intelex EHS software to deliver a holistic health and safety solution.

Process Hazard Analysis Software
Mitigate Risk and Manage EHS Processes

Improve your EHS management programs using leading and lagging indicators.

Trusted by over 1,400 clients and 3.5 million users worldwide

Intelex Technologies ULC
  • Centralized and streamlined environmental and safety incident reporting and investigation, enabling real-time access to EHS data and improving Agnico’s ability to respond quickly.

    Agnico Eagle
  • We moved to Intelex to be able to become more advanced with our data & statistics along with getting information to our VPs and other stakeholders as well as help our field users with a system that is more simple and tailored to their needs.

    Boart Longyear
  • Intelex offers us a lot of flexibility, with the ability to create applications that fit what we need them to do along with modifying and changing the system to fit our diverse needs.

    Ryan Orvis
    Intelex Administrator
Campbell's Soup
Virgin Atlantic
Air Liquide

Process Hazard Analysis Software Demo

This product demo video walks through the user-experience and core features of Intelex’s Process Hazard Analysis (PSA) Software. See how it provides a one-stop-shop to effectively identify, manage, and mitigate process hazards stemming from operating systems and processes for handling hazardous substances.

Watch and learn how this application can:

  • Identify and analyze hazards
  • Keep your operation organized & your employees safe
  • Ensure your processes stay up and running
  • Curate HAZOP settings & provide a complete HAZOP solution
  • Increase visibility into your key PHA elements
  • Help comply with OSHA’s PSM guidelines

Send the product demo my way!

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Intelex Technologies ULC

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  1. Provide your info
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  3. Login to your Free Trial
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