Job Safety Analysis Software

Ditch the notebook and endless Excel grids with JSA software. Find everything you need on one dashboard. Set up regular safety checks, tag the right people and never let a task slip through the cracks again.

  • Reduce incident and injury rates
  • Identify, prioritize, communicate and control risks
  • Eliminate unnecessary shutdowns that hurt the bottom line
  • Drill down from region to individual job task
Job Safety Analysis Software
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Trusted by Leading Organizations Around the World

Campbell's Soup
Virgin Atlantic
Air Liquide

Job Safety Analysis Software Makes Job Hazard Identification Easy

Job Safety Analysis Software identifies and mitigates job hazards in the workplace to effectively reduce worker injuries and asset losses, support compliance with OSHA job hazard analysis requirements and increase uptime. Tracking down and managing the causes of those incidents through the use of job safety analysis software can drastically reduce workplace-related injuries and illnesses.

Job Safety Analysis Software
Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment
Use a standard risk methodology – likelihood of an event by severity – to identify and resolve hazards associated with individual job tasks, and then communicate the operational risks as Acceptable, Acceptable with Mitigation or Unacceptable. You can also create or upload your own risk assessment methodologies directly into Intelex.

Job Safety Analysis Software Features

Intelex Job Safety Analysis software allows users to identify, analyze, communicate, and reduce the risks associated with any job or task. You can use the findings of a job hazard analysis to eliminate and prevent hazards in the workplace. This is likely to result in fewer worker injuries and illnesses; safer, more effective work methods; reduced workers’ compensation costs; and increased worker productivity.

Job Safety Analysis Software - See every aspect of a job

See every aspect of a job

Filter and sort jobs by location, business unit, employee(s) involved, job steps, hazards, potential trigger events, potential consequences, consequence severity and much, much more.

Related Job Safety Analysis Solutions

Keeping workers healthy and safe is a critical aspect of any corporate EHS program, and Job Safety Analysis software is a key requisite to success.

Job Safety Analysis Software
Track, Report & Comply

Reduce the administrative burden of compliance and EHS program management.

Frequently Asked Questions, Answered.

What is a job safety analysis?

A job safety analysis is a tool – likely a template either on paper or on a digital device – that focuses on job tasks as a way to identify hazards before they occur. The process dissects the relationship between the worker, the task, the tools and the work environment. Ideally, after uncontrolled hazards have been identified, safety professionals or production managers take steps to eliminate or reduce them to an acceptable risk level.

But Don't Take Our Word For It

Job Safety Analysis Software Demo

This product demo video walks through the user-experience and core features of Intelex’s Job Safety Analysis software application. With worker safety being of the upmost importance this tool makes it easy to help your workers identify, understand and control hazards of any job or task.

Watch and learn how this application can:

  • Maintain a library of all jobs and tasks across your organization
  • Assess all the job hazards and align controls to them
  • Conduct assessments to yield corrective and preventive actions
  • Better understand potential causes, trigger events and causes
  • Leverage your own internal risk matrix
  • Drive safety culture across your organization

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