Customer Complaint Management Software

Intelex Customer Complaint Software identifies and analyzes customer complaints and allows you to act on them sooner to reduce the number of customer escapes and gain increased visibility into common customer issues.

  • Capture and track all customer complaints
  • Analyze complaint data for trends
  • Build Action Plans from complaint insights
  • Use Insights to correct and prevent reoccurrence
Customer Complaint Management Software

Customer Complaint Management Software
Builds Customer Loyalty

Voice of the Customer (VoC) is critical to improving a quality management program. Capture and analysis
of customer complaints improves quality outcomes and maintains customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Claims Management Software
Increase Visibility
Customer complaint data is centralized, tracked and reported from within a single system of record, increasing visibility and availability while helping you identify patterns and accelerate action planning to address them.

Customer Complaint Management Software Features

Centralize customer complaint data and create customized
workflows to manage complaints from their identification through to analysis
and final resolution.

Customer Complaint Management Software - Identify Customer Complaints

Identify Customer Complaints

Efficiently capture complaint details, categorize by type and severity and then attach any associated documents for record keeping and audit purposes.

Managing Customer Complaints is Critical to a Culture of Quality

Knowing what your customer thinks about your products and what issues they may be experiencing is invaluable to the success of your quality program and the strength of your brand.

Customer Complaint Management Software
Plan and Execute

Streamline the planning and execution of quality management processes and controls.

Trusted by over 1,400 clients and 3.5 million users worldwide

Intelex Technologies ULC
  • We’re discussing best practices, upcoming projects. We’re learning from each other. We have the same KPI related to transparency, safe workplace and quality.

    Tore Vaange
    Business Systems Consultant
  • We moved to Intelex to be able to become more advanced with our data & statistics along with getting information to our VPs and other stakeholders as well as help our field users with a system that is more simple and tailored to their needs.

    Boart Longyear
  • The Intelex QMS and their top-notch customer support have helped us build superefficient and extremely effective Quality System processes to help our organization move forward at a faster pace. Intelex has taken our questions and concerns to heart and helped customize systems that work for us.

    Jason Usilton
    Quality Supervisor
Campbell's Soup
Virgin Atlantic
Air Liquide

Customer Complaint Management Software Demo

This product demo video walks through the user-experience and core features of Intelex’s Customer Complaints Management software application. See how this application identifies and analyzes customer complaints and allows you to act on them sooner to reduce the number of customer escapes and gain increased visibility into common customer issues.

Watch and learn how this application can:

  • Capture and track all customer complaints
  • Analyze complaint data for trends
  • Build Action Plans from complaint insights
  • Use Insights to correct and prevent reoccurrence

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