Job Safety Analysis Made Easy

Job Safety Analysis Software identifies and mitigates job hazards in the workplace to
effectively reduce worker injuries and asset losses and to increase uptime.

Job Safety Analysis Software
Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment

Use a standard risk methodology - likelihood by severity - to identify and resolve hazards associated with individual job tasks, and then communicate the operational risks as Acceptable, Acceptable with Mitigation or Unacceptable. Note that you can also create or upload your own risk assessment methodologies directly into Intelex.

Key Job Safety Analysis Software Features

Intelex Job Safety Analysis software allows users to identify, analyze,
communicate and reduce the risks associated with any job or task.

Job Safety Analysis Software - See every aspect of a job

See every aspect of a job

Filter and sort jobs by location, business unit, employee(s) involved, job steps, hazards, potential trigger events, potential consequences, consequence severity and much, much more.

Related Job Hazard Analysis Software Solutions

Keeping workers healthy and safe is a critical aspect of any corporate EHS program, and Job Safety Analysis software is a key requisite to success.

Job Safety Analysis Software
Track, Report & Comply

Reduce the administrative burden of compliance and EHS program management.

Trusted by over 1,400 clients and 3.5 million users worldwide

Louise Grondin SVP of Environment, Sustainable Development and People for mining company
Agnico Eagle describes how they used Intelex to run a risk assessment on all their
mines to then develop a safety action plan.

Get to know our clients and the difference
Intelex has made in their organizations.

Intelex Technologies ULC
  • The data, the innovation and the technology helps people be safer and tells us how we can prevent the serious and major accidents and ill health that I’ve had exposure to in my career.

    James Pomeroy
    Group Health, Safety, Environment and Security Director
    Lloyd's Register
  • The user friendliness of the system makes it easier for field personnel, EHS personnel and anyone in the organization to use it – something I don’t have to worry about now.

    Brandy Leon
    Assistant to GM / EHS
    Boart Longyear
  • Intelex helped us establish a transparency of events, we declare the events, we investigate them, we want them (our employees) to declare everything so that we can work on preventing harm.

    Louise Gordin
    SVP Environment, Sustainable Development & People
    Agnico Eagle
Campbell's Soup
Virgin Atlantic
Air Liquide